Grid Pattern

Smart Building Collective

Marnixstraat 150


Meet us at the Smart Building Lounge  

Exhibiting Parties: bGrid, ident2be, 2n, Toogethr, Spectral, App-artment- Alveole, Wave by AGC, Smart Building Collective 

Day 1 Program: Case Studies and Interviews 

10:30-11:00: Interview 1: Everything starts with connectivity - how to bring stable connectivity into your building - Wave by AGC
11:30- 12:00: Panel 1: ROI of smart, the return on investment behind Smart Building – bGrid, ident2be, Spectral, Wave by AGC

14:00- 14:30: Interview 2: What can bees tell us about biodiversity and the sustainability of your building? - Alveole

15:00 - 15:30: Case Study 3: You can park here - How Smart Parking manages your car park - Toogethr

16:00 - 16:30: Case Study 7: Using what is there, making what you already have smarter -  Ident2be

Day 2 Program: Case Studies and Interviews

10:30-11:00: Case Study 4: Buzzing Success: How Honey Bees and Urban Gardens Transformed the Canadian Embassy in the Netherlands - Alveole

11:00-11:30: Case Study 5: Bringing connectivity into elderly care centers– Wave by AGC

11:30- 12:00: Interview 3: The Role of AI and Machine Learning in Smart Building Management - Spectral

13:00 - 13:30: Case Study 5: The future of access control - 2N

15:00 - 15:30: Case Study 6: Flexible Space Utilization and Adaptation in Smart Buildings – bGrid

15:30- 16:00: Interview 4: Achieving Sustainability Goals Through Smart Building Strategies - Ident2be
Stand 11-10 PROVADA Future