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Welcome to the media page of PROVADA! Here you will find an overview of our latest photos, videos, podcasts and information about our media partners. View our rich media offer for free and stay informed of the latest developments in the construction and real estate sector.

Photos PROVADA 2023

View the photos of PROVADA 2023, for an exclusive insight into our event. Discover the dynamics, innovation and network possibilities that PROVADA has to offer. Feel free to use these photos as long as you credit the source.

Watch the PROVADA 2023 aftermovie here.

Photos Talent Kitchen

Enjoy the photos from the March edition of Talent Kitchen 2023. These images give you a glimpse into the vibrant and creative atmosphere of this great event.

Podcast Studio Circular - Dutch spoken

In the PROVADA Podcast - Studio Circulair - we talk to various guests about circular business. Discover the latest trends, insights and innovations in the construction and real estate sector. Listen to engaging conversations and learn how together we can accelerate the transition to a more sustainable future.

Listen to Studio Circular

Podcast Impacthelden

During PROVADA, Werner Schouten will be looking for the Impact heroes for construction and real estate.

Listen to the Episodes where we share the stories of the people who make a difference in this industry. 


PROVADA offers an extensive collection of videos. View aftermovies, exhibitor pitches and other interesting content. Be inspired and get a vivid picture of the activities and possibilities within the construction and real estate world.

Go to the video page








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Media & Media Partners 

 The production, publication and distribution of media before, during and after PROVADA is reserved for PROVADA's official media partners. Media includes all information carriers of printed/digital/online content such as newspapers, magazines, video and TV productions and podcasts.

Registration of media for meetings at the stands

As an exhibitor you are responsible for registering media (and media activities) secondly for meetings of activities at the stand by sending an e-mail to

Without approval from PROVADA, it is not permitted to use (media) companies that do not (contractually) break PROVADA otherwise. This may lead to a conflict of interest for the existing media partners. PROVADA has provided more information about the possibilities of the current media partners.

Media partners PROVADA 2024

  • Vastgoedmarkt
  • PropertyNL
  • VG Visie
  • New Business Radio
  • Change Inc.

Journalists (written press) can apply for press accreditation. Go to the press page for the conditions.