Media from PROVADA - Photos, Videos, Podcasts, and Partners
Explore the world of PROVADA through our extensive media library. Here you will find the latest photos from the real estate fair and other PROVADA events, videos capturing highlights from past years, our two PROVADA podcasts, an overview of our media partners, and a handy media kit with logos you can use.
Photos PROVADA 2024
View the photos from the real estate fair PROVADA 2024 to get an exclusive insight into the 20th edition of the fair. Discover the innovation and networking opportunities that PROVADA has to offer, featuring the Volkshuisvestingsplein for the first time this year. Feel free to use these photos as long as you credit the source.
PROVADA offers an extensive collection of videos. Watch aftermovies, exhibitor pitches, and other interesting content. Get inspired and gain a vivid insight into the activities and opportunities within the construction and real estate industry.
Watch the aftermovie of the 20th edition of the real estate fair PROVADA here:
Talent Kitchen 2024 photos.
Enjoy the photos from the March edition of Talent Kitchen 2024. These images give you a glimpse into the vibrant and creative atmosphere of this fantastic event.
View all photos from PROVADA Talent Kitchen 2024 here.
Podcasts PROVADA - Dutch spoken
Podcast Studio Circulair
In the PROVADA Podcast - Studio Circulair - we engage in conversations with various guests about circular entrepreneurship. Discover the latest trends, insights, and innovations in the construction and real estate sectors. Listen to inspiring discussions and learn how we can accelerate the transition to a more sustainable future together.
Listen here to Studio Circulair - Dutch spoken
Podcast Impacthelden
Werner Schouten goes in search of the Impact Heroes in the construction and real estate sectors during PROVADA.
Listen here to Impacthelden - Dutch spoken
Media and Mediapartners
The production, publication, and distribution of media before, during, and after PROVADA is reserved for PROVADA's official media partners. Media includes all forms of information carriers of printed/digital/online content, such as newspapers, magazines, video and TV productions, and podcasts.
Registration of media for events at the stands
As an exhibitor, you are responsible for timely registering media (and media activities) for events or activities at your stand by sending an email to Without PROVADA’s approval, it is not permitted to engage (media) companies that are not (contractually) participating in PROVADA for these purposes. This could potentially lead to a conflict of interest with our existing media partners. Upon request, PROVADA can provide more information about the opportunities available with our current media partners.
Media partners PROVADA
- Vastgoedmarkt
- PropertyNL
- VG Visie
- New Business Radio
- Change Inc.
Journalists (written press) can apply for press accreditation.
Description of PROVADA
PROVADA is the largest real estate platform in the Netherlands and the premier meeting place for real estate professionals. Every year in June, thousands of experts gather at the RAI Amsterdam for this leading real estate trade fair. In 2024, the event attracted 26,790 visitors who came for knowledge, inspiration, innovations, and valuable networking opportunities. PROVADA plays a crucial role in connecting the public and private sectors to discuss current real estate challenges.
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